Dear Leader #0008
Dear Leader,
Perfectionism is an excuse to micromanage people.
Great leaders don't demand perfection, they inspire excellence.
There's a horrible saying that says"If you want something done right, do it yourself". This is almost always an exasperated sigh of defeat after someone has micromanaged something to death. It sounds like stepping up and taking responsibility, but in reality, it's an excuse for poor leadership. It's a cop-out at best and completely disempowering at worst.
If you feel the urge to micromanage, that's a pretty clear sign you have a cryptic obsession with the details rather than a clear picture of the outcome.
Great leaders paint a picture of the outcome they're looking for with clear expectations, descriptive details, and measurable accountability. Then, they step aside and check in just enough to make sure everything is still on track and everyone has what they need. But they give people space to safely fail, learn from their mistakes, and grow.